Meet The Dental Assistants Team

Dental Assistants



Expanded Functions Dental Assistant

Hometown: Coventry, England.

First job I have ever had: Deli Clerk.

Why did you decide on a dental field? I didn't choose dentistry, it chose me. I was terrified of the dentist but because of that, I could empathize with the patient and help them through the process of regaining a healthy mouth and smile again.

Hobbies and interest: Singing - I am currently the children's choir director at my church. I love taking care of my family, our dog and love to knit.

What is something people don't know about you? I did Irish dancing until the age of 17 at my mom's dancing school in England.

What is your favorite food? Chocolate.



Expanded Functions Dental Assistant

Hometown: Lakeworth, FL.

First job I have ever had: Cashier.

Why did you decide on a dental field? To help people gain their smiles back.

Hobbies and interest: I love taking my dog on long walks.

What is something people don't know about you? I am the middle child in my family.

What is your favorite food? Spanish Food.